Speaking to Bollywood Thikana, Mukesh Khanna shared, “That poor guy (Ranveer Singh) was sitting in front of me for three hours. But it doesn’t reflect on his face, what it needs to play Shaktimaan. He looks fickle as if he will con somebody. But he is a terrific actor.” ranveersingh #mukeshkhanna #filmydeva #shaktimaan #movies #bollywood #tollywood
Speaking to Bollywood Thikana, Mukesh Khanna shared, “That poor guy (Ranveer Singh) was sitting in front of me for three hours. But it doesn’t reflect on his face, what it needs to play Shaktimaan. He looks fickle as if he will con somebody. But he is a terrific actor.”
ranveersingh #mukeshkhanna #filmydeva #shaktimaan #movies #bollywood #tollywood