Royal reverse as Nine’s 60 Minutes goes from ‘scandal’ to sympathy for Princess of Wales

In little more than 36 hours though, Catherine, Princess of Wales has shown what a courageous woman she is,” the voiceover says. “She’s also, inadvertently, taught the world a valuable lesson. That gossip and rumour are more often than not, the furthest things from the truth.”
Not a word about the program’s role in airing the “endless speculation” of course
Meanwhile, Murdoch’s South Australian tabloid, the Advertiser, devoted six pages of reader messages to Kate, which we are sure will warm the princess’s heart when she gets a copy of the Tiser.
Australians have opened their hearts to the Princess of Wales after her shock cancer diagnosis, with messages to be sent to London,” the editorial said.
“The Advertiser today publishes reader messages praising the mother of three’s grace and courage. Every reader who left a note is named. Governor Frances Adamson will now pass on the outpourings directly to Kensington Palace.”