Princess Charlotte’s has an adorable nickname that her school friends call her

Nothing can be more normal than friends giving each other nicknames, and that is true for all including the third in line to the throne – and it isn’t princess.
Prince William and Princess Kate are determined daughter Princess Charlotte, eight, enjoys as normal a childhood as is possible for a young girl who is third in line to the throne. At school she is registered as Charlotte Cambridge, but her friends call her by a nickname she is said to adore.
Reports suggest her pals shorten her name and call her Lottie Wales, as a nod to her parents’ titles given to them by the King when the Queen passed away. According to a story from last year, Charlotte’s friends at the school are not the only ones to call her by that name.
While on a walkabout in Northern Ireland, Instagram influencer Laura-Ann met Kate with her two-year-old son George. During their conversation Kate told George: “Hello, what’s your name? Hi George, what a cool name you’ve got, and you look very smart in your bowtie. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Laura-Ann 30, a part-time estate agent from Belfast, had gone to Windsor Park to meet Kate and Prince William . She documented their meeting on her Instagram page and revealed while talking to her older son, the Duchess said to her: “So then she asked how old Bertie is, and I said he is four and she said, ‘Oh, he’s the same age as Lottie’. She calls her Lottie!”