“I gave Kim Kardashian everything a loving hũsband could ever give his wîfe but she still lęft me saying that I was too perfect for her.” Kanye West “I wanted to mãrry Kim Kardashian from the first day I saw her and I just had to wait through a bunch of relationships, break-ups, and marrîages before getting her. Before she marrîed me, she had marrîed and dîvorced a couple of times and I thought ours was gonna be different. But I was wrõng.

“I gave Kim Kardashian everything a loving hũsband could ever give his wîfe but she still lęft me saying that I was too perfect for her.” Kanye West
“I wanted to mãrry Kim Kardashian from the first day I saw her and I just had to wait through a bunch of relationships, break-ups, and marrîages before getting her. Before she marrîed me, she had marrîed and dîvorced a couple of times and I thought ours was gonna be different. But I was wrõng.