Claims She Feels Safer with a Bear Than a Man in the Woods
Ben KingJuly 8, 2024
In a recent segment on her show, Whoopi Goldberg sparked a heated debate when she jokingly stated that she would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than with a man. This comment has sparked a flurry of reactions online, with many criticizing Goldberg’s comments as irresponsible and misinformed.
Goldberg’s comment was met with swift criticism from some quarters, with one commentator labeling her a “man-hating” feminist who is out of touch with reality. The commentator pointed out that, in reality, a bear would be a far more dangerous companion in the woods than a human.
However, Goldberg’s comment also resonated with many women who have experienced encounters with men that left them feeling unsafe or threatened. The hashtag #IBelieveYou, which is often used to express support for survivors of harassment and assault, began trending on social media as women shared their own stories of feeling unsafe around men.
The controversy began when Goldberg was discussing a popular TikTok trend that asks users whether they would rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear. Goldberg sided with the majority of women who responded, stating that she would rather take her chances with the bear. Her reasoning, however, has raised eyebrows: “The bear will not shoot me. He’s not going to go, ‘Eugh.’”